Monday, September 30, 2019

Agents of Socialization Essay

The way a person develops and forms his/her unique personality, norms and beliefs in socialization. Socialization is the process in which an individual learns to participate in a group, it’s obvious that different people will be different because not every person is raised under the exact circumstances. Many agents influence the way a person develops. Some of the most predominant factors are the family the person is raised is, where they the person is educated, like school or home- school, the peer group the individual belongs to and all types of media the person is exposed to. In this essay I will discuss how these agents affected me when I was growing up and how they still affect me. The biggest agent that affected me was my family. When I was little, my family taught me a lot of the things I know today, without these essentials. Things like being polite and table etiquette. If I was raised by another family, one which didn’t pay attention to manners, I would have gro wn up to be a lot different. I would have been a savage person and might not have been able to fit it because I would have been rude and impolite. To this day, my family still contribute to how I grow up to be, by encouraging me and helping me when I need help. When children are going up, they go through stages where they develop how to trust and depend on people, If they do not pass that stage or stay in it too long they would wind up being insecure when they grow up and they won’t trust people. This is why I think the family is the most important agent of socialization because it basically determines how a person will grow up being from the very beginning, more so than the other agents. The next agents which I think is worth writing about next is peer group socialization. My circle of friends, or my peer groups are some of the people that I’ve known since I started school. I’ve known them for years and years. My peer group has taught me things I wouldn’t have been able to learn on my own, like how to make new friends, being a good team player and just being able to do something cooperatively with s omeone else. My peer group also helped me shape my personality and how I behave. Because most of my friends are well behaved, I grew up not being mischievous and naughty because I didn’t see my group of friends doing that so there was no reason that I should. Other circles of friends that I have also shaped my outlook on life by giving me different points of view and new ways of looking at and dealing with issues. Without my socialization with peer groups I wouldn’t have had anyone to look up to and say this is good or bad, I would just end up copying everything my family does which would just make me old fashioned. The next agent of socialization which relates to the last agents is where I’m educated. I go to a normal school like most of the people I know. Going to a normal school, and interacting with people of all ages and seniority levels, like teachers, principals and matrons has helped me develop my socialization skills by talking to a wide variety of people and not just interacting with a few people like people who are home-schooled. People who are home-schooled definitely aren’t as socialized as people who go to school every day are because they don’t speak to a lot of people, so most of them tend to be socially awkward. There’s also the aspect of how schools have rules and regulations that students have to abide by life dress code, the concept of due dates and how and when to speak. Rules like these are what made me socialized and civilized. If I was home-schooled instead, I would have been an outcast because I didn’t act like everyone else did. Then of course there’s the aspect that some people don’t even go to school, so they aren’t socialized at all because interact with others. If you were to talk with someone who didn’t go to school, you would instantly notice how different he is. The last agent of socialization is the media the person is exposed to, I personally don’t think I was affected by media at all. Media didn’t have a big impact on me when I was growing up, I did however learn a lot of things from watching movies like how to act when I’m in different places and situations. Media has also affected my judgment of who to look up to as a role model. When I think of someone who wasn’t exposed to media while he was growing up, I don’t imagine he would be different from everybody else. He would just have difficulty fitting in because most of the subjects people talk about are about media and entertainment, but in the end it wouldn’t be too bad. As you can see from the order in which I have the agents in, I believe that the family had the most impact on me while I was growing up, followed by the peer group he belongs to, followed by where he is educated and then lastly followed by mass media and entertainment. The change and variety of each of these four agents is what leads to people having different personalities, values, norms and social interactions. These four agents could be considered the pillars of socialization because without them an individual wouldn’t fit in with society and would just act strange compared to other people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Flood Measuring System Essay

This chapter includes a brief overview on experimental research and the process that led to the selection of the research design used in this study. Additional topics addressed in Chapter 3 are: research locale, and instrumentation. Research Design An experimental type of methodology was used to conduct this research. An experimental method of research is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables( The method is appropriate to this study since it aims to overcome the present condition of our country, specifically the areas near Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila during rainy days. The technique that the researchers will use under experimental method is developing a device that monitors the height of the water using sonar sensor and sends it to the server by the means GSM module. Then the data received by the GSM will be sent to the application created for android phones via internet. The purpose of employing the experimental method is to overcome the present condition of the areas near Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila during rainy days. The researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to acquire data from the device that the researchers developed so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study. Block Diagram Flood Monitoring Unit Server Android Application Research Locale The researchers will conduct the study to three different areas near Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, these areas are selected to inform the students of the said university if the route they will take is still passable or not. Instrumentation An instrument was developed to monitor the flood in three different areas near Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. This section will discuss the instrument and its development. The first step in developing the instrument was to make a prototype that will monitor the height of the flood on the said areas. It consists of a sonar sensor, Gizduino and GSM module. The sonar sensor is enclosed in a container with a hole at the bottom that will sense the height of the water measured in inches. It detects the height of the flood with respect to the ground as its basis. The maximum flood level itcan detect is six feet which is equivalent to 72 inches and it only reads data in whole number. It is SIM dependent.The GSM module will send the data gathered to the server. Then the server will analyze the data and relays it to android applicationvia internet. The following will be the list of materials to be used in constructing this project. 1. Microcontroller The Gizduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 and ATmega168. It has 14 digital input/ output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. it is an open source computing platform based on simple input/output (I/O) board and the use of standard programming language; in other words, it is a tool for implementing a program you have designed. Gizduino is programmed using the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Gizduino is ideal for beginner programmers and hobbyists because of its simplicity compared to other platforms. It is a multiplatform environment; it ca run on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. It is programmable via USB cable, which makes it more accessible and allows communication with the computer FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS †¢ Microcontroller: ATmega168 or ATmega328 †¢ User Interface: USB Port, DC Jack, ResetButton, ICSP Port, Shield Connection Port †¢ Debugger Port: ICSP †¢ Power Input: External:8V-12V USB:5V †¢ DC Power Output: 3.3V †¢ PCB Size: 2.7 x 2.1 inch †¢ On-board Crystal: 16MHz and 12MHz 2. Sonar Sensor A US-100 Ultrasonic Sonar isa low cost compact ultrasonic sonar (distance measuring) sensor with up to 3.5-meters range. A host microcontroller circuit determines distance by triggering the US-100 and then measuring the echo time indicated by the pulse width output of the sensor. Temperature compensatured for accurate ranging even on varying ambient temperatures. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS †¢ 40KHz Ultrasonic sonar †¢ 2cm – 350cm sensor range (Temperature compensated) †¢ TTL Trigger input †¢ TTL Echo output 3. GSM Module GSM/GPRS module is used to establish communication between a computer and a GSM-GPRS system. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is an architecture used for mobile communication in most of the countries. Global Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an extension of GSM that enables higher data transmission rate. GSM/GPRS module consists of a GSM/GPRS modem assembled together with power supply circuit and communication interfaces (like RS-232, USB, etc) for computer. GSM/GPRS MODEM is a class of wireless MODEM devices that are designed for communication of a computer with the GSM and GPRS network. It requires aSIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card just like mobile phones to activate communication with the network. Also they have IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number similar to mobile phones for their identification. A GSM/GPRS MODEM can perform the following operations: 1. Receive, send or delete SMS messages in a SIM. 2. Read, add, search phonebook entries of the SIM. 3. Make, Receive, or reject a voice call. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS †¢ Quad Band GSM/GPRS †¢ Text and PDU Mode †¢ TCP/IP stack †¢ GPRS class 10: max 85.6 kbps downlink †¢ Standard AT Commands (GSM07.07, 07.05, & SIMCOM enhanced AT commands) †¢ Analog audio port †¢ UART (TTL) serial port †¢ Debug Port †¢ RTC backup †¢ Charger interface

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Facebook vs. Twitter Essay

In the age of technology, trends come and go almost instantaneously. The trend of the decade; Social Media. Ten years ago when someone thought of Social Media, he or she only thought about Myspace. Today, however, Myspace is an afterthought, and there are two new faces atop the Social Media world. These new faces are Facebook and Twitter. They may seem very similar but they are extraordinarily different in their overall structure, their friend/follower format and their communication layout. Even though Facebook and Twitter are both set up to make it easier for people to communicate, they are structured much differently. Facebook, on one hand, gives the operator the total ability to customize his/her wall. From favorite foods to relationship status, Facebook truly has it all. One can write a vague description of his or her life in the â€Å"about me† section or a detailed autobiography instead. After that, if one wants to tell what he/she is doing, he/she can write a post with no limits. Facebook, without question, gives the user the ability to completely customize his/her page; whereas Twitter is set up in a much more basic format using a Twitter Feed. A twitter feed is basically a wall in the vaguest sense. The user can write a brief biography, which has a maximum amount of characters about oneself on the top of his/her page. Also one can â€Å"tweet† his/her thoughts, in limited characters as well, to depict what he/she is thinking. So Twitter is far les s user friendly than Facebook. In addition to the differences in structure, Facebook and Twitter also have different friend/follower formats. Essentially, Facebook and Twitter are set up differently in the way friends are made. Facebook is set up in such a way that one can find his or her friends and send a friend request, and if one’s friend accepts, the website lists that person in the user’s friends list. Once that person has friends, he or she can use a privacy setting where only the user’s friends can see his or her wall. In this way, Facebook lets users know what his/her friends are doing. On the other hand, Twitter is set up with the concept of followers. This means if one wants to add another user as a friend, all the user must do is click â€Å"follow†. Any user can follow another user which will allow him or her to see what that user is doing. Lastly, Facebook and Twitter have different communication setups. Both Facebook and Twitter allow  users to send direct messages to f riends, but both websites have different ways to communicate. Facebook allows users to post on another user’s wall to start a conversation. As well as using posts, one can also comment on a friend’s post. If a user is interested in one of his or her friend’s posts, the user can simply click the comment button to say what is on his/her mind. Twitter on the other hand, does not give its users as many ways to communicate. In addition to the already stated direct messaging Twitter only allows its users to tag their friends in a tweet to talk. If they do not want to direct message, they can publically message them. So in the communication aspect, Facebook definitely has the advantage. On the surface, Facebook and Twitter seem alike but they are definitively different. Facebook and Twitter each have different structures, friend/follower formats, and communication layouts. Facebook is much more user friendly allowing its users to fully customize their walls and statuses in an unlimited amount of characters, giving the user complete control of their wall. Also, Facebook is much more private in the ability to accept a friend request which gives that user to view one’s profile. Twitter on the other hand has a much simpler layout with very little privacy.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why Use Bitcoins Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Why Use Bitcoins - Research Paper Example A solution is proposed to the double-spending problem incorporating peer-to-peer network. Bitcoins involves network timestamps transactions by forming a record that cannot be altered without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain clearly proves that it originated from one of the largest pool of CPU strength, and also serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed. Although as long as most of CPU strength is under the control of nodes which are not collaborating to attack the network, they will spawn the longest chain and outpace attackers. Minimal structure is required by the network itself. Leaving and rejoining of the network by nodes at will also happens, while messages are broadcast on a best effort basis; also the nodes allow the lengthiest proof-of-work chain as evidence of what happened in its absence (Andy). Introduction Commerce on the Internet has come to over relay on financial institutions serving as third parties relied upon to process electronic payments. The system still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model, though it works well enough for many transactions. Since financial institutions cannot keep away from mediating disputes, completely non-reversible transactions cannot be deemed possible. While limiting the minimum practical transaction size and cutting off the possibility for small casual transactions, the cost of mediation increases transaction costs, and there is a wider scope regarding the cost in the loss of ability to make non-reversible payments for nonreversible services. There is also the need for trust spreads due to the likelihood of reversal. While interviewing customers for more information than they would otherwise need, Bitcoin merchants must be wary of them (Angry). Although Bitcoins have been proved to be vital in the distribution of currency, they are sometimes associated with various risks which aid dealers in the black markets. A certain degree of fraud is allowed as unavoidable. These e xpenses and expense uncertainties can be evaded in person, through the use of physical currency, though no such mechanisms are present to carry out payments over a communications channel devoid of a trusted party. An electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust is required, making it possible for any two willing parties to transact directly with each other, thus not needing the services of a trusted third party. Routine escrow mechanisms could easily be implemented to protect buyers, since the transactions which are computationally impractical to reverse would shield sellers from fraud. In this paper, we study the use of Bitcoins as solutions to the double-spending problem incorporating peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server in order to spawn computational evidence of the sequential order of transactions. The system facilitating Bitcoin transactions is protected as long as honest nodes as a group run more CPU strength than any group of attacker nodes wo rking together (Chirgwin). Bitcoin for a free society A free society needs a free market while a free market requires a sound form of currency. Bitcoin is a form of currency with good properties like pseudonymous, no likely hood of frozen accounts, there is no charge-backs and there is very cheap and very fast transfer of funds. This is a huge advantage over a barter or cash-only economy. In order to succeed in the long-run, Bitcoin needs the following 3 hypotheses: i. No state control. In short, we should not attempt to gain legality for Bitcoin; the state should not be asked or involved in Bitcoin operations ii. No bank involvement: We should not focus on interoperability with the traditional banking

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What are the main motives for US involvement in the region after 1945 Essay

What are the main motives for US involvement in the region after 1945 - Essay Example The most important of them is access to oil and gas deposits. Obviously, the desire of American capital to acquire control over the production, processing and marketing of Arab oil has been the main motive for economic expansion of the U.S. in the Arab countries. Still, Americans’ intervention has begun under the guise of their off-board assistance to the countries in their economic recovery, since â€Å"†¦states all across the Middle East soon proved incapable of properly managing the economy† (Khater, 197). There is another motive: â€Å"†¦the United States declares its goal in the region to be the spread of democracy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gelvin, 5). Surely, there have been particular benefits for the Middle East nations, but â€Å"†¦ many in the region have paid a high price for America’s support of every kind†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gelvin, 5). As for America’s benefits resulting from its interference in the Middle East with its oil deposits, it has gained a great success in oil possession, while the same cannot be said for the fate of Arab people living in the region. In conclusion, America’s participation in domestic affairs of different countries of the idle East region after the end of World War II has its certain motives resulted from its desire to assume the regional oil deposits as well as to intensify the spread of democracy within Arab

Contemporary US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contemporary US History - Essay Example ve many men the first chance at a college education and home ownership that their family has had in generations, which helped bolster and create a large, affluent working class. Unions were on the rise and still relatively powerful, meaning that lower-skilled jobs were still likely to pay a living wage, unlike they are now, and the tax code was much more equitable, with incredibly high rates on capital gains and high incomes – in many ways economic equity was at its height in the 1950s. This all belies, however, significant strife and social issues that were ongoing throughout the decade. The advances mentioned in the previous paragraph were almost entirely situated on white men, black people and immigrants had very little chance of actually achieving a living wage without working many hours and sometimes multiple jobs. Furthermore, the political situation in the 1950s was incredibly tumultuous, with fear reigning supreme and constant feeling of communist threat. Many innocent people, from film makers and politicians to ordinary Americans were detained and interrogated at the mere suggestion of communist sympathy or activity, and there were significant restrictions on constitutional freedoms such as free speech and freedom of association. While the overwhelming narrative of the 1950s was of a peaceful and prosperous country, there were many dark undercurrents of racism and oppression that were not represented by that view. This does not mean there was no truth to it, however, merely that we must temper our historical understanding with the sure knowledge that everything was not as it is often portrayed, and the roots of the uprising of the 1960s were all laid in the oppressions of the 1950s. Question 3: a. At the close of World War II America was posed, for the first... The first question that is analyzed in this essay focuses on Truman presidential decisions. In 1945 Truman faced what might have been one of the hardest decisions any president has ever had to face – whether to use the newest and most powerful weapon ever created on a civilian population. The researcher states that it is impossible to say whether the bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was morally justified – with the hind-sight of history we find the use of any weapon of mass destruction morally reprehensible, but the fact remains it is likely that Truman’s decision saved lives. Second question focused on the standard view of the 1950s in the United States as it is of a peaceful and largely affluent country – this is a fundamental foundational myth of our times, but retains some truth to it. The third question mentioned describes a robust developed economy in the United States that had emerged from the war completely unscathed, along with a political situation that was remarkably stable. The researcher compares economy of the US to other significant countries, such as China, Japan and Russia as examples. In conclusion, the researcher says that it is impossible to make an accurate judgement of whether the United States has been good for the world or bad for the world overall, because people cannot see the alternatives. But the US citizens know, however, that it made many reprehensible decisions, and could have been much, much better than it was – but the alternative might have been worse.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Two years of a foreign language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Two years of a foreign language - Essay Example Learning foreign languages helps the students to get knowledge from the other countries, as they can read various materials written in different languages ( n.p). Such materials are in books, articles, and films that help them learn about other cultures and understand the world. Knowledge of other peoples’ cultures helps one to expand the horizons and be a responsible citizen. The students get to learn about grammar rules in various languages of the world, which help them in their cognitive process. A second language is important for the students who enjoy travelling, as it helps them to be more open-minded and social. Students who know more than one language can learn about other countries history and the current affairs of those countries compared to those who take only one language ( n.p). Taking at least two years in studying a foreign language by high school and college students is important as a way of promoting knowledge and enhancing communication amo ng the students. Students who study a second language in high school and college have greater chances of getting good jobs in reputable organizations compared to those who do not as noted in in (n.p). After graduation, all graduates aim at securing a good job before furthering their studies. Due to the worlds integration and communication, proficiency in foreign language, especially English among other language-speaking people is of great importance in securing good jobs in international organizations. Most of the companies that advertise jobs cite a second language as an added advantage for candidates interested in those posts. Living in a foreign country can pose a challenge if one does not know the official language of that country; hence, students should do a foreign language during their high school and college level studies. Studying a foreign language by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tolapp Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tolapp Corporation - Essay Example Majority of the products are manufactured locally and sold through their business partners that include few of the largest retailers like Sears, Wal-Mart and Best Buy. The company has been continuously focusing on the customers’ requirements and developing strategies to expand its base in the global market. Mission Statement Analysis of the Mission Statement through the Nine Components In today’s world most of the modern companies while deciding their mission statement consider to address the nine components for ensuring strategic management. Though it is not necessary to include all the nine components however Tolapp Corporation’s mission statement will be analyzed through all the nine components. Customers: Tolapp Corporation’s products are targeted towards the household families who take care about their houses. The products have been developed to provide conveniences to the family members while taking measures to keep their houses clean and to prepare food items (Southwest University, 2011). Products and Services: Tolapp Corporation’s product line consists of microwave, lawn mowers and lawn furniture among other power tools (Southwest University, 2011). ... Philosophy: The management of Tolapp Corporation values their human capital as they consider it to be the biggest asset of the company. The management prioritizes the customers’ requirements and ensures that the products are developed and modified according to the consumers’ needs (Southwest University, 2011). Self-concept: Tolapp Corporation believes that their designing and engineering units comprise the best in industry talents which give them the competitive advantage over their rivals (Southwest University, 2011). Concern for Public Image: Over the years, the company, through its products, has developed brand awareness and trust within their customers in the United States (Southwest University, 2011). Concern for Employees: The company, Tolapp Corporation has established a grievance cell to address the issues of the employees quickly as well as effectively (Southwest University, 2011). The mission statement of the company is that they are determined in providing be st in class technologies in the household appliances with adding value to its products. They look forward towards innovating products that will provide lifetime experiences to its customers. Principles to be used to prioritize the Implementation Steps The objective of the company is to spread its business in the overseas market for generating increased demands. Thus, the management of Tolapp Corporation needs to consider few principles according to the priorities that are essential in fielding its base in the global markets. The first initiative of the management is to assess the regional needs. This assessment will help the company to locate which regions will be beneficial in terms of operating costs, effective distribution options and

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Fraud Act 2006 in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Fraud Act 2006 in the UK - Essay Example In the UK, the Fraud Act 2006 came into force during January 2007, and it substituted the deception crimes included in the Theft Acts 1968-1996 with a more general offence of fraud, which can be done in the following ways namely fraud by failing to divulge information, fraud by dishonesty or deceitful representation and fraud by misuse of position and authority. The offence under the Frauds Act 2006 is punishable if charges are proved with a fine or with an imprisonment of ten years or with both. It is punishable by a fine not in excess of the statutory maximum or sentence for a period of not exceeding six months or with both. Under tort of deceit, a person may claim damages if the fraud committed is resulted in injury to the affected party. On the ground of fraudulent misrepresentation, a contract may be voidable if it has been obtained by fraud. (Law & Martin 2009:240). Courts in England have not yet prepared to prescribe exactly what can be regarded as fraud. It is to be noted tha t the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) which was formed on the recommendation of the Roskill Report in 1984 had not taken into account the offence of fraud but recognised on an evocative manner, many fraud crimes which UK’s Home Office employs even today. (Ramage 2005:4). As on date, in UK, there exists no statutory offence of fraud and the Home Office of UK has set out some kind’s criminal activities that can be regarded as offences of fraud in â€Å"Counting Rules for Recording Crime.† According to a publication made by the Home Office in April 2003, describing the following as offences of â€Å"forgery and fraud.† Frauds by an individual include common law offence of conspiracy to defraud, under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, fraudulent misappropriation of funds, obtaining a money transfer through credit card or cheque fraud under section 12 of the Theft Act 1987. (Ramage 2005:104).In Cronos Containers NV v Palatin, the defendants were Klamath Enterprises S A and Mr. and Mrs. Palatin. The shares of Klamath were owned by Mr. Palatin. In 1994, Mr.Palatin deceived the plaintiff by making five different payments from one of the Plaintiff’s clients, and the same was credited into Barclays bank account owned by Paladins. Then, such defrauded sums were employed by the defendants to renovate a property held by Klamath. (Ramage 2005:4). Conspiracy to Defraud Under Common Law It falls under consent to divest deceitfully somebody’s right or to abuse somebody’s property privilege. In Scott v Metropolitan Police Commissioner2, S agreed with workers of a cinema theatre to take copies of cinema screened in that theatre without the approval of the owner with an objective of commercial distribution held to be a conspiracy to defraud under common law. In Wai Yu-Tsang v R3, A acted in concert with bank employees to camouflage in the bank accounts the fact about dishonoring of cheques which the bank had already purchased so as to prev ent a bankruptcy by the bank, and A was held for the guilty of conspiracy to fraud. According to Lord Goff, conspiracy to fraud does not restrict to the notion of divesting somebody with something of value, but it also falls under deceit and fraud and if somebody may be discriminated in any way by the deceit or fraud. (Fionda & Bryant2000:154).  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Paraphrasing and Summarizing Essay Example for Free

Paraphrasing and Summarizing Essay Is there a difference between paraphrasing and summarizing? What is it? How do you know when it is most appropriate to use one or the other in an academic paper? In academic writing there are many do not’s to refrain from in writing academically. Two of the do not’s that relates to paraphrasing and summarizing are * Do not copy from other people’s work * Do not simply copy words and phrases from the question paper; try to use your own words at all times by paraphrasing the question. These points explain there is a difference between paraphrasing and summarizing. Paraphrasing is selecting the author or writer works and referencing the ideas that are used. As well as using your own words in a length that will capture the audience attention. Summarizing is related to your ideas and thoughts of what the writer or author discuss. Plotnick (2012),†Paraphrase and summary are indispensable tools in essay writing because they allow you to include other peoples ideas without cluttering up your essay with quotations. They help you take greater control of your essay. Consider relying on either tool when an idea from one of your sources is important to your essay but the wording is not. You should be guided in your choice of which tool to use by considerations of space. But above all, think about how much of the detail from your source is relevant to your argument. If all your reader needs to know is the bare bones, then summarize. Ultimately, be sure not to rely too heavily on either paraphrase or summary. Your ideas are what matter most. Allow yourself the space to develop those ideas. † (para. How do I paraphrase? ).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fibromyalgia (FM) Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Fibromyalgia (FM) Symptoms, Causes and Treatments B. Trimble Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition of unknown etiology, characterized by extensive pain, atypical pain processing, sleep disruption, fatigue, and often psychological distress. People with fibromyalgia may also have added indications, such as morning rigidity, tingling or numbness of the hands and feet, headaches, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep disorders, cognitive problems, problems with thinking and memory (often called fibro-fog), and additional pain syndromes (CDC, 2010). The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2010 criteria is used for clinical diagnosis and severity classification of fibromyalgia (CDC, 2010). The diagnosis is centered on: Widespread pain index (WPI) of greater than or equal to seven and symptom severity scale (SS) of greater than or equal to five, or WPI of three to six and SS of greater than nine (CDC, 2010). Symptoms have been existent at a similar level for at least three months (CDC, 2010) The patient does not have another disorder that would otherwise explain the pain (CDC, 2010). Fibromyalgia often occurs with other rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, up to 25 – 65%, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ankylosing spondylitis (CDC, 2010). The tender point test is replaced with widespread pain index and a system severity scale. The widespread pain index score is determined by counting the number of areas on the body where the patient has had pain in the past week. The checklist includes nineteen areas of the body (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). The symptoms severity score is determined by rating on a scale of zero to three, three being the most prevalent, the severity of three collective symptoms: fatigue, waking tired and cognitive symptoms (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). An additional three points can be added to account for additional symptoms, such as numbness, dizziness, nausea, depression, or irritable bowel syndrome. The final score is between zero and twelve (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). To meet the criteria for a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, a patient would have seven or more pain areas and a symptoms severity score of five or more, or three to six pain areas and a symptoms severity score of nine or more (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). Some criteria remain untouched. The symptoms must have been existent for a minimum of three months, and the patient does not have another disorder that would explain the pain (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). To develop and test the new criteria, researchers implemented a multi-center study of formerly diagnosed fibromyalgia patients and a group of patients with rheumatic non-inflammatory disorders using a physician physical and interview examination (Rush University Medical Center, 2010). The pervasiveness of fibromyalgia affects an estimated five million adults, with more women than men affected (CDC, 2010). Most people with fibromyalgia are diagnosed during middle age, and the incidence increases with age. Although the rates are higher in women, men and children can have the disorder. Women with the disorder that are hospitalized are ten times more likely to return to work, but four times less likely retain work at one year after hospitalization. It is shown that adults with fibromyalgia average around seventeen days of missed work per year compared to six days for those without the disorder (CDC, 2010). The causes and/or risk factors for fibromyalgia are associated with stressful or traumatic events, such as car accidents, post-traumatic stress disorders, repetitive injuries, illnesses (such as viral infections), certain diseases ( such as Rheumatoid arthritis), chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, genetic predispositions, and obesity (CDC, 2010). People with fibromyalgia respond strongly to things that other people would not find uncomfortable by exhibiting an abnormal pain perception. The ACR recommends a multi-disciplinary treatment plan including screening and treatment for depression, as evidence indicates that depression is a major occurrence with fibromyalgia (CDC, 2010). The recommendation for treatment includes pharmacotherapy, aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening and, education and relaxation therapy (CDC, 2010). Many hormonal, metabolic, and brain chemical deviations have been indicated in studies of fibromyalgia (CDC, 2010).Variations seem to occur in some brain chemicals, although no regular pattern was identified as relevant in most patients with the disorder. Fibromyalgia may be the result of the properties of pain and stress on the central nervous system that leads to alterations in the brain, rather than a brain disorder itself (CDC, 2010). Researchers are concerned with serotonin and the effects on fibromyalgia. Serotonin facilitates feelings of well-being, adjusts pain levels and promotes deep sleep (CDC, 2010). Low levels of serotonin have been noted in patients with fibromyalgia. Research has also found abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland axis (HPA axis). The HPA axis regulates sleep, stress response, and depression. Changes in the HPA axis may lead to lower levels of stress hormones norepinephrine and cortisol. Lower levels of stress hormones lead to diminished responses to psychological or physical stress (CDC, 2010). According to the ACR, people with fibromyalgia can have irregular levels of substance P in their spinal fluid ( This substance P helps convey and intensify pain signals to and from the brain. Researchers are considering the function of substance P and other neurotransmitters, and studying why people with fibromyalgia have amplified sensitivity to pain and whether there is a gene or genes that cause a person to be more prone to have it ( Many steps have been taken in research in supplying patients with opportunities to understand and address the symptoms of fibromyalgia and quality of life issues. Research continually indicates that a multi-disciplinary approach is the most helpful for the physician and the patient (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). The examination the physician completes when considering a diagnosis of fibromyalgia should include a basic neurologic examination, a referral to a neurologist, and MRI if the exam indicates minimal deficits (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). Exercise is important for fibromyalgia patients. It has an influence on the quality of sleep and helps to keep unaffected muscles strong. Aerobic exercise, strengthening and relaxation assist in decreasing the effects of the disorder (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). There is no one medication that works for all patients (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). Medical professionals and patients must work together to determine which medication or combination of medications are most effective for the individual (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). People with fibromyalgia are normally treated with pain medications, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, and sleep aids ( In June 2007, Lyrica (Pregabalin) became the first FDA approved drug for the specific treatment of fibromyalgia; one year later, June 2008, Cymbalta (duloxetine hydrochloride) became the second, and in January 2009, Savella (milnacipran HCL) became the third ( Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Savella reduce pain and improve function in some people with fibromyalgia ( While people with fibromyalgia suffer pain differently from other people, the mechanism by which these drugs yield their result is unknown. There is information proposing that these drugs influence the release of neurotransmitters in the brain ( Lyrica was previously approved to treat seizures, as well as pain associated with damaged nerves in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and those who develop pain from the shingles rash ( Side effects of Lyrica include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, weight gain, swelling of the hands and feet, dry mouth, and difficulty concentrating ( Cymbalta was previously approved to treat depression, anxiety, and diabetic peripheral neuropathy ( Cymbalta side effects include nausea, dry mouth, somnolence, constipation, decreased appetite, and increased sweating. Cymbalta may increase suicidal thinking and the risk of suicidal actions. It may also increase depression in some people ( Savella is the first drug introduced primarily for the treatment of fibromyalgia ( It is not used to treat depression in the United States, but acts like anti- depressants that are used to treat depression and other mental disorders ( Lyrica and Cymbalta are approved for the use in adults eighteen years and older. The drug companies have agreed to study their drugs in children and breastfeeding women ( Other medications used to treat fibromyalgia are pramipexole, tramadol, pindolol, ketamine, sodium oxybate, and gabapentin (National Fibromyalgia Research Association). Many patients achieve pain relief from complementary and alternative medications (CAM). Acupuncture, biofeedback, and massage are popular treatment alternatives. Herbal supplements and medication may also provide chronic pain relief and relieve fatigue ( Much of the research on complementary health approaches for fibromyalgia is still preliminary, and evidence of effectiveness is limited. Some studies have shown that practices such as TaiChi, gi-gong, and massage therapy may help with fibromyalgia symptoms. (Kowlowitz E.J.) Aerobic and strength-training exercises have been associated with important improvements in pain levels, tender point counts, and sleep disturbances. Maintenance of exercise programs indicates that compliance is a problem with patients. Discussion on strategies on improving compliance can be discussed with the patients (Millea Holloway, 2010). A considerable meta-analysis of studies using acupuncture in the treatment of fibromyalgia validates the empiric findings of medical acupuncturists that acupuncture is extremely useful adjunctive treatment for many patients. Acupuncture is not curative but enhances the patient’s quality of life (Millea Holloway, 2010). Cognitive behavioral training has shown improvement in some patients. The training of relaxation response training and movement therapy was found to be effective in patients with fibromyalgia. Training in coping skills was shown to be more effective than physical fitness, but evidence indicates that combining the different types of therapy may be more effective than one therapy alone (Millea Holloway, 2010). Myofascial pain syndrome is a condition commonly found in patients with fibromyalgia. It is a condition in which fascial limitation and trigger points cause extensive pain. A 2010 review suggests that irritation and defectively working fascia encompassing muscle cells were causing the â€Å"all-over† pain of fibromyalgia and may be due to a dysfunctional healing response (Lipton, 2010). Myofascial release on trigger point’s method is a massage technique in which the therapist uses gentle, sustained pressure in the problem areas to release adhesions and smooth out the fascia (Lipton, 2010). Multiple studies show that the Myofascial release can result in decreased pain, better posture, reduced symptoms, increased range of motion, and improved quality of life (Lipton, 2010). Many patients benefit from discussing their day to day lives with others who are also affected by fibromyalgia. Support groups may be located through the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation (Millea Holloway, 2010). References CDC. (2010). Fibromyalgia. Retrieved from (n.d.). Living with fibromyalgia, drugs approved to manage pain. Retrieved from Kowlowitz E.J., M. (n.d.). Fibromyalgia treatment. Retrieved from Spine Universe: Lipton, G. (2010, January 14). Fascia: A missing link in our understanding of the pathology of fibromyalgia. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 1, 3-12. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt2009.08.003 Millea, P., Holloway, R. P. (2010). Treating fibromyalgia. American family physician, 62(7), 1575-1582. Retrieved from National Fibromyalgia Research Association. (n.d.). Fibromyalgia treatment options. Retrieved from National fibromyalgia research association: Rush University Medical Center. (2010). New criteria proposed for diagnosing fibromyalgia. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Building Relationships with Community Resources

Building Relationships with Community Resources It is really important that we build positive relationships with our students and their families. It is normal for families to struggle with different issues. The childrens school itself may not be able to help. But if they are familiar with the different agencies in the communities and the services they offer. It can be very beneficial to all the parties involved. They are able to work together as a team and help each other. This paper will first discuss the community resources that are available in my area, second how I will make the information available to my families, and finally how it fits with my Vision, Mission, and Philosophy statement. There are lots of resources available in my community. There is the Guildford Department of Public Health which a few services like child care nursing who are registered nurses who are Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC) with skills in public health, pediatric nursing and child care licensing requirements. The CCHC strive to promote the healthy development of children and the reduction of illnesses in the child care setting. (Guilford County Government, 2012) There is child care/preschool dental services are provided by a dental hygienist in child care centers and child care homes. They have Care Coordination for Children thats a program which provides formal case management to eligible children, birth to five years of age, at risk for or who have diagnosed special needs. The staff includes registered nurses or social workers who provide access to needed preventive and specialized support services for children and their families through collaboration. (Guilford County Government, 20 12) The last one is Community Transition Coordinator (CTC) is a registered nurse who screens all children born at Womens Hospital of Greensboro and all pediatric admissions to Moses Cone Health Systems to identify children birth to age five who are at risk for developmental delays or have diagnosed delays or chronic illnesses. (Guilford County Government, 2012) The North Carolina Early Intervention Branch (NCEI) is a part of the N.C. Division of Public Health. It is the lead agency for the N.C. Infant-Toddler Program (ITP). The Infant-Toddler Program provides supports and services for families and their children, birth to three who have special needs. (NC Dept. of Health and Humans Services, 2012) They offer service coordination, physical, occupational and speech-language therapies, family support, special instructions, assistive technology, and other services. To help assistance parents that have children with identified disabilities is a program called Guilford County Partnership for Exceptional Children. They put together a directory of different local organizations that serve multiple disabilities in our community. They include programs for children with autism, visual and hearing impairments, orthopedically impaired, speech/language impairments, and other health impairments. We have the Mental Health Association to help provide information and help concerning mental health issues. This Association creates programs that encourage better mental health, and provide support to those who suffer from mental illness and strives to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, through education and service. It is a place that helps families with domestic violence. It is called Family Service of the Piedmont this program offers domestic violence shelters. These shelters provide safety, therapy, and court advocacy for battered women and their children. They have Children Advocacy Centers who coordinates the investigation and treatment of child sexual abuse. They offer individual and family counseling for victims of depression, anxiety, relationship problems, substance addiction or other mental health issues. They also have Family Preservation thats an intervention for families at risk of having their children removed from the home. (Family Service of the Piedm ont, 2010) This program also works with those with substance abuse. They offer diagnostic, assessment and referral services are designed to provide comprehensive assessment and referral to individuals with alcohol, drug or other substance abuse problems which include appropriate evaluation of the needs of co-dependent individuals, family members, and significant others. Co-dependency counseling provides comprehensive appropriate evaluation of the needs of co-dependent individuals, family members, and significant others. (Family Service of the Piedmont, 2010) Since there are a lot of resources in my area there are a few different ways I can get the information to the families at the center. I can have like a community day at the center, invite some of the workers of these agencies to come speak during a parent night, or ask them for flyers/packets of information to send home to the parents. The preschool working with agencies like these in the community we are able to carry out our mission to serve and act on the needs, rights and well-being of all young children with primary focus on the provision of educational and developmental services and resources. (About NAEYC, 2009) Sometimes children are exposed to conditions that undermine their well-being. But by recognizing and building on existing strengths within communities and families, we can support all families in providing a healthy, safe, and loving environment for their children. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011) This paper just touched on a few agencies in my area that can be used as community resources, how the information can be presented to the families, and discuss how they will work with us to accomplish the goals for the children at my center.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Social Psychological Experiments Essay -- Social Issues, Authority

Stanley Milgram, a social psychologist, conducted an experiment in 1963 about human obedience that was deemed as one of the most controversial social psychology experiments ever (Blass). Ian Parker, a writer for the New Yorker and Human Sciences, and Diana Baumrind, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, responded to Stanley Milgram’s experiment. These articles represent how the scientific community reviews and scrutinizes each other’s work to authenticate experiment results. Baumrind focuses on the moral and ethical dilemma while, Parker focuses more on the experiment’s actual application. The experiment’s original intent was to determine if society would simply obey to authority when put under pressure by an authoritative figure. Milgram put a twist on the experiment asking the age-old question of, â€Å"if the Germans during WWII were simply obeying to authority when carrying out the Holocaust or were they all acting on their own†(Blass). The test subject, or teacher, would administer electric shocks to the learner, a paid actor, when the learner incorrectly answered the word pairings. The teacher thought the learner was receiving electric shocks when in reality the learner was not receiving any shocks. An instructor, the authoritative figure, was sitting behind the teacher reassuring the teacher that the shocks may be painful but would not inflict permanent damage. Throughout the experiment, the teacher can be seen looking back towards the instructor for permission on whether to continue or stop (ABC).The teacher instructed the learner to continue even when the learner cried out in pain and begged for the experiment to stop (ABC). Sixty-five percent of the time, the teacher continued until he administered the ... ... Baumrind’s idea that if Milgram were to fully disclose the experiment would it still produces the same results as the original experiment? Milgram does arrange for a friendly meeting between the teacher and the learner after the experiment. The meeting was supposed to relieve all tensions that are burdened upon the teacher throughout the experiment. Baumrind does not believe that this simple meeting between the teacher and learner was enough to relieve all tensions of the experiment (227). She simply suggests that Milgram should have offered a psychiatric evaluation or therapy to the patients after participating in the experiment (227). The ethical treatment that Milgram showed towards his patients denied him his APA membership. â€Å"The ethical furor preyed on Milgram’s mind – in the opinion of Arthur G. Miller, it may have contributed to his premature death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (234).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Frankenstein Essay -- English Literature Essays

Frankenstein I do not agree with the statement: â€Å"Students in the twenty first century have little to learn from Frankenstein.† Mary Shelley’s novel demonstrates the type of language and intricate structure rarely found in novels today from which students in the twenty first century can learn much from. Mary Shelley puts forward timeless lessons of one’s confrontation with one’s self taking responsibility for your own actions, the result of being shunned from society and the dangers of tampering with nature. The novel foreshadows our very real fears of the double-sided nature of scientific ‘progress’ making it relevant today and proving the statement: â€Å"Students in the twenty first century have little to learn from Frankenstein.† very wrong. Shelley puts forward the issue of one’s confrontation with one’s self due to Victor’s power of creation entailing this. Victor symbolises modern man; Victor’s is the predicament involving the moral and intellectual conflict between the values of self and the values of society: â€Å"Natural philosophy is the genius that has regulated my fate.† (p87) Unfortunately, through Frankenstein’s arrogance he puts his personal interest above that of society and so is the cause of his own destruction. This is an important lesson for the youth of the twenty first century to learn. Shelley uses emotive language and an intricate structure from which students can learn to support a novel full of moral lessons. Shelley’s language creates ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Facebook Addiction Essay

Facebook has come to be probably the most commonly used social networking site, nearly half of Facebook’s users view their profiles every day. Some of the users spend an unreasonable amount of their time on Facebook, whiling the hours away unnoticed, while chores to go unfinished, and even going to the extent of ignoring family and friends in the real world. Although a majority of the hundreds of millions of people use Facebook as a social networking device, it has several of negative impacts such as social isolation, communication problems, and health problems which profoundly impact the lives of the users. While Facebook addiction disorder or Facebook addiction are not medically accepted terms, the actuality of addictive behavior on Facebook is a mounting concern for scores of Facebook users, and one that psychoanalysts are seeing more regularly in their patients. According to Fenichel, if you have found that sharing, connecting and learning through Facebook has replaced all avenues of learning and communicating and in your life, it is a possibility that you have Facebook addiction Disorder. Negative Effects of Facebook  Facebook reduces the amount of time spent with significant people in one’s life through frequent checking of profile updates and statuses. Facebook can result to relationship problems as it exposes one’s social life, for instance pictures of ex boyfriends and girlfriends or flirting messages may cause tension in relationships. That is all part of exposing your life on a social networking website. The use of Facebook can also cause problems at work with frequent checking of status updates during work time. This may lead to misunderstandings between the management and staff. This is what has led to many organizations banning Facebook from working places. Facebook leads to procrastination as Facebook addicts find themselves too busy to attend to important and urgent matters due to being online chatting, updating statuses and commenting on other people’s pictures. Facebook has been in the news several times over issues of privacy. Facebook makes it easy for people to access information about other people from their profiles as a majority of users tend to give out all their information on their profiles. This can result to issues of surveillance and hacking. On health issues, Facebook leads to eye strain due to the amount of time spent online on the computer (Thompson). Facebook as a new phenomenon is here to stay, however, as this paper has shown, a lot of care needs to be taken in the use of it in people’s everyday lives. Facebook has negative effects on a person’s life which cannot be taken lightly. This paper has also shown that although Facebook addiction is a serious matter. However, it is not all doom and gloom as there are viable remedies which can be employed in order to overcome Facebook addiction. Facebook is a big time waster During the first decade of the 21st century a popular and new word has come into our vocabulary. That word is Facebook. This is the most popular social networking website on the internet. If you haven’t heard about Facebook until reading this, then you must have been in a coma for the last 5 years. There are about 350 million active users on this website. The main idea of Facebook is that you can keep in touch with all your friends around the world who has Facebook. You can send messages to your friend’s electronic wall, put up a status saying something like â€Å"Going to the mall, need to get a new pair of shoes† or â€Å"it’s finally the weekend! )†. In the 350 million users on Facebook, 67% of them are between the ages of 13 -25. More than 35 million users update their status every day. 2. 5 billion Photos are added each month. The highest age groups who use Facebook are teenagers. Most of them keep the website running whenever they are using the computer and general teens nowadays are always on the computer, if they aren’t in school/college or when they aren’t asleep. I feel that teens should be focused on their school work or be socializing with their friends in person or exercising. Facebook is just changing the new generation of youngsters completely because the teenage life is one of the most important stages of life and wasting it on Facebook is not encouraging this in anyway. It is also a complete distraction to their mind; like nowadays when all their homework and research are on ICT, they would get diverted into Facebook just to check if there was anything updated among their friends. Remember back in the good old days, when teens would do their homework handwritten, play sports and hang out with friends. Today, most teens would only speak to their friends on Facebook, while we can see them battling obesity as they stare at their friend’s message on their wall. In summary, teens don’t have a life because they are on Facebook 24/7, except for those who don’t use Facebook or occasionally do. Facebook is also where people can see the gossip among their friends, virtual arguments, relationship status and updates, who is in whose ‘top friends’, you can become fan of anything, join groups, post pictures and videos, play juvenile games, invite friends to parties or events and a heap more. Mainly, all this would just disturb people into living life to their fullest. It’s not just teens who become addicted even grownups do. An average person spends about 55 minutes on Facebook. This statistic isn’t that bad but some people spend about 3-5 hours. Technology might be taking over people’s lives. The internet is what the youth does almost all the time and other growing social networking sites such as Twitter might become the next Facebook.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Athena in Greek Mythology Essay

ii Outline Thesis: Athena is regarded as a powerful female figure within Greek mythology; however there are obvious contradictions between the perception of Athena and the reality of how the goddess is represented within Greek Literature and these contradictions need to be examined given Greek Literatures foundational role in molding our perceptions of a heroine. I. Description how women were viewed in Ancient Greece II. Common perception of Athena in Greek Mythology a) Goddess of War b) Powerful c) Equal to Zeus III. Role that Athena truly played as Zeus’s daughter a) Non threatening: enable the end of Kingship of Heaven b) Virgin daughter, purity IV. Examples supporting the repositioning of Athena as a determent to women within Greek culture a) Athena and Poseidon clash over Athens b) Athena’s mothering role in Odyssey c) Athena’s role within Aeschylus’s Eumenides V. Athena’s representation within Greek Mythology has proven to be a false icon for the empowerment of women. iii Abstract Athena is regarded as a powerful female figure within Greek mythology; however there are obvious contradictions between the perception of Athena and the reality of how the goddess is represented within Greek Literature and these contradictions need to be examined given Greek Literatures foundational role in molding our perceptions of a heroine. The undercurrent of conflicting messages between Athena’s iconic state as a powerful goddess and the general oppression of Greek woman supports the notion that there might be more to Athena then first meets the eye. Common myth and two great works of ancient Greek literature are used to support the thesis that Athena may have been a tool of oppression used against the women of ancient Greece. 1 The Importance of Athena in Greek Mythology The foremost powerful female figure in Greek Mythology was Athena, the grey eyed goddess. She is often hailed as being an icon for female power within Greek literature. This misperception adds to the mystic that Greek civilization was socially evolved beyond it’s time. By taking a closer look at how Athena was immortalized within the Parthenon, the role that the Goddess played in Homer’s Odyssey , and her role in Aeschylus’s Eumenides it quickly becomes clear that we have been romanticizing Athena’s power. By pulling back the curtain on the obvious and revealing what resides just below the surface a new pictures comes into focus. Athena is regarded as a powerful female figure within Greek mythology; however there are obvious contradictions between the perception of Athena and the reality of how the goddess is represented within Greek Literature, and these contradictions need to be examined given Greek Literatures foundational role in molding our perceptions of a heroine. To begin with it is important to come to a agreement regarding the daily life of an Athenian woman in Ancient Greece. Based upon the reading that I have done, there is little dispute that the women of that time had virtually no rights. The Ancient Greek society in many ways mirrors today’s modern conservative cultures of the middles east, as it pertains to women’s rights. The Greek culture was highly patriarchal. Ancient women were considered property of their fathers at the time of their birth, and then transferred to become the property of their husbands directly after marriage. Young women were often forced to marry men twice their age, whom they had never met. Women, of course, had no right to vote, no right to own property and oddly enough were not allowed to watch the iconic Olympic games. However, the most mind numbing realization for me was that women were not allowed to leave the house without permission. Women were not permitted to wonder in public unless they had an explicit reason approved by their husband. It is suspicious to me that given all of these widely accepted facts that we would so easily accept that Greek men were creating characters of power as great as Athena’s perceived power. If anything, I do give these Ancient Greek author’s credit for being sly. They created a goddess whom Greek men could idealize as the ‘perfect’ woman, fearing her power, while at the same time defining an all powerful goddess who was submissive to men. 2 A general definition of Athena provides us with an example to contrast against the â€Å"average† Athenian woman. Harris and Platzner provide a general description of Athena’s power in Classical Mythology Images & Insights. A powerful description is levied by the authors, â€Å"Athena, a potent manifestation of her father’s creative intelligence† (82). Athena is widely known as the goddess of wisdom and war. She is hailed as the protector of Athens and the equal to the omnipresent Zeus. However, and this is a big however, that is only upon first glance. As we dig deeper into Athena’s story a new spin begins to present itself. First, the legend of Athena’s remarkable birth, which in actualization is only a reflection of Zeus’s greatness. Athena is said to have sprung from Zeus’s head. The depiction of her birth is on the east pediment of the Parthenon, which ensures its role in the daily lives of Greek men. Zeus in an effort to deny the prophecy that Metis would someday bore a child who would overthrow his power; he ate Metis. By ingesting Metis he also ingests her powers and Athena his unborn daughter. In concept Zeus then gives birth, the ONLY uniquely female power that existed in Ancient Greece. Athena, now being directly ‘sprung’ from the body of her father is forever faithful, as he is now part of her. In this one sweeping myth Zeus outwits Metis, overcomes his fate, gives birth and creates an equal virginal partner whom has an undying faithfulness to her father. Even the focus on her virginal state, associates her with the traditional concept of ‘ownership’ by a woman’s father until she is married. Athena’s very birth contributes to increasing Zeus’s greatness and defining women as submissive. The second key piece of important information regarding why Athena was born a woman, is simple and calculated. The fact that Athena is a woman ends the tradition of The Kingdom of Heaven, and ensures Zeus’s dominate rule. If she were born a man, there would be threat of usurpation. Ss a woman; with no husband she serves no threat. Again, a myth calculated to support the greatness of Zeus. 3 The west side of the Parthenon serves as another example of how a myth, at first glance, appearing to support the great wisdom of Athena but in the end this myth serves the purpose of Greek men, and serves to repress Greek women. The west pediment depicts the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the ‘sponsorship’ of Athens. Athena is said to have won the favor of the Greeks by offering an olive tree to the people of Athens. Poseidon offered the city a salt water spring which was rejected, thus offending Poseidon. Multiple points jump from the life of this myth. First, the obvious, by choosing Athena over Poseidon the Greek men have a direct link to Zeus. She is chosen because she is well connected! Secondly, and more manipulatively, in order to appease Poseidon’s wrath Greek woman are continued to be punished and not given the right to vote. The first advancement of a woman into a powerful position generates a backlash that will ensure that no woman is ever given any REAL form of power within Greek Culture (Harris and Platzner 9). The irony in this is so deep that it is almost comical. We have now established that the two key myths used to define Athena’s power are in actuality undermining her power. If anything, we begin to view her as Zeus’s public relations consultant. Now by looking at the way that Greek writers have translated Athena’s powers into actions, we can see that these nuances did not go unnoticed by Greece’s creative thinkers. A subtle example exists within Homer’s depiction of Athena in The Odyssey. Athena plays a motherly role to both Odysseus and Telemachus. She never gets directly involved in any conflict, she only provides guidance and support for the men. She is fulfilling the nurturing traditional role of a mother. In the stories opening when Athena disguises herself as Mentor (a man) to gain the trust of Telemachus her purpose is only to guide him on his path to manhood. She encourages him to take a stand on the issue of his mothers’ disrespectful suitors and to go on a rite of passage journey to find his father. The book is riddled with examples of how Athena provides a soft touch is supporting the advancement of Odysseus’s cause. She organizes the ship for Telemachus’s journey. She pleads with Zeus on their behalf in Book 5, she appears in a dream to Phaeacian urging her to be at the river to help Odysseus when we washes to shore. The list goes on and on, in Book 20 Athena helps Odysseus in his plot to overtake the suitors by ensuring the suitors antagonize the disguised Odysseus, which feeds his desire to win back Penelope. All of these actions mirror that of a mother, trying to encourage the best for and from her children. This further supports the notion that women in Athens are supposed to be the household support, and support the success of their fathers, and then their husbands. 4 The most glaring example of misuse of Athena’s perceived power occurs in Aeschylus, Eumenides. A jury is organized to judge Orestes for killing his mother and his father’s murder, Aegisthus. It is agreed that if the jury cannot come to an agreement of Orestes’ guilt then Athena will make the final decision. Athena’s ultimate verdict reads as follows, â€Å"The final judgment rests with me, and I Announce that my vote shall be given to Orestes. No mother gave me birth, and in all things Save marriage I commend with all my heart The masculine, my father’s child indeed. Therefore I cannot hold in higher esteem A woman killed because she killed her husband. If the votes are equal, Orestes wins. Let the appointed officers proceed To empty the urns and count the votes† (H & P 636). Athena says she is the servant of her father in this speech. Here is a son who has killed his own mother, and Athena explicitly states that she values the life of Orestes’ father greater than the life of his mother, Clytemnestra. Even when the literature explicitly gives Athena power, she only uses it to further confirm the dominance of men within Greek society. I am positive that there are numerous other examples that support my notion of a dual sided Athena. Every example that I found of Athena within Greek literature allows for a theoretical positioning of Athena as a Greek tool of female oppression. Athena is the Ancient Greek’s version of the women in the girdle commercials in the 50’s, Cindy Brady in the 70’s, or even more accurately the 5 Britney Spears of today. At first glance one thinks it’s nice to see positive imagines of women, but when you begin to look a little closer one can clearly see the shackles. 6 Working Bibliography Graham, Casey, â€Å"Ancient Athenian Women. † http://www. angelfire. com/ca3/ancientchix/ Harris, Stephen L, and Platzner, Gloria. Classical Mythology Images and Insights. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2008. â€Å"Role of Women in Ancient Greece. † http://www. factsmonk. com/role_of_women_in_ancient_greece Stebbins, Elinor. â€Å"Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. † < http://www. arthistory. sbc. edu/imageswomen/papers/stebbinsathena/athena2. html>

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dear Reader For English Project

One of my favorite genres, that I think you will enjoy as well, is my short story because of it being yet a sarcastic but heart whelming mood put t o it. After writing that final word, it was probably one of the best feelings. The feel Eng of accomplishment quickly just set over but then realized I still had to write this letter for you guys. Oh, darn. My least favorite part about this project would be writing the movie review because of it being the one requiring the most work. So, there must be some wing enjoyed and that would definitely be writing my short story and free verse poem because I as just able to let all my thoughts out.For this project to be better, I mean it's already pretty dark n good, but for me it definitely would need more opportunities where I could let my thoughts out This project is a new experience for me, never had done something like this b cause I never could be as easygoing as I am in this letter. This project was a breeze, y SE there was the stress of me not finishing the project but with a couple of lamplighters I think the e final result of it is something to be proud of. Would I prefer a traditional essay over this prove CT?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Early Christian Writings Essay

In the beginning of IV century Arius announced that the Father is the only one veritable God, and the Son is His creation. Son was created from nothing, but He has an advantage over the other people, because He was created before time and centuries. Arius teaching is one of the forms of subordination, – a teaching about subordination of the Son to the Father, and the Saint Spirit to the Son. Arius has the following positions: 1. Logos had the beginning of his being ( , erat, quando non erat), because in other case there wouldn’t be any monarchy. In such case could be possible a diarchy (two principles), because He wouldn’t be the Son, – the Son is not the Father. 2. Logos started his existence not from the essence of Father – this could lead to division or partition of Divine Creature, or to sensual concepts, which could bring down the God to human world, – but He was created from nothing by his Father’s will ; 3. He has existence before-time and before-world, but it is not eternal existence; so He is not the veritable God, but he is different from God-Father by his essence, he is a creature ( , ) and Testament uses such expressions about Him; 4. Although the Son is a creature by essence, he has advantage over other people, because he have supreme qualities after the God. The God created everything through Him. First of all God created Him, as the beginning of all paths; 5. In case they call the Son equal to the God you should understand that He is equal by His Father’s will. 6. His will, as it was created, primarily was changeable – equally inclined both for good and to evil. Alexander tried to convince Arius that he was wrong by admonitions, although without success. After fruitless attempts Alexander invited bishops from Egypt and Lebanon and by will of Council expels Arius from Alexandria as well as his followers. There was found ‘The Synodal Letter of the Council of Antioch’, which condemns principles of Arius, but not strictly. Almost all bishops signed this letter (except of three bishops). Alexander tries also to warn other bishops about danger of heresy and, finally, writes a letter to Emperor Constantine the Great. The emperor regrets about quarrels in the Church and asks to make peace. It was impossible, and a little bit later the Church calls Nicaea Council, where after long debates the Church wrote ‘Symbol of belief’ and adopted it. Arius didn’t agree (his followers also protested to symbol of belief and pretending that they agree, changed a letter in word ‘omousius’ (‘similar’, ‘like’ instead of mono-, uni-) and signed the document. The Church discovered falsification, condemned teaching of Arius and expelled him. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Trends That Influence Effective Learning Assignment

Trends That Influence Effective Learning - Assignment Example Proper instructional design should promote the transfer of information from the known to the unknown to enable learners to link up the current to the past, and be able to prepare for the future. The efficiency of every trend of instruction should be evaluated scientifically, or through observations to ensure significant results that may facilitate easy transition of knowledge and skills. Promoting performance in education, one should come up with various instructional blueprint models such as the ADDIE process. This paper shall indicate how this model of instruction promotes instruction. According to Morrison et al (2010) ADDIE process was established in the University of Florida, and was meant for military training servicemen, who needed curriculum development processes. Its present version was developed, and revised in mid 1980’s. ADDIE process involves the five treads founded in this model. They include; analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluation. These five steps have an influence that will enable effective learning. Analyze; this involves an instructor collecting information concerning the learners, identifying the topics, and the content that should be covered. It is in this step that the instructors give a layout of the projects objectives that need to be achieved. This enhances and gives meaning to the content since it makes learning to be relevant and achievable. Objectives serve as pointers of goal setting in education. When an instructor is developing a pedagogical way of delivering information, one must ensure that he comes up with objectives that need to be addressed. In cases, where these goals are not met, then learning may not have taken place. Therefore, for useful learning and teaching to be identified proper tools and materials should be applied to improve instruction. Design; this is the second step that enables instructional designers to develop their projects using the information received from the analysis stage. It is at this point that the instructor shows how he plans to ensure that learning has been achieved. The content is broken down in to basic units that can be easily understood by learners. The instructors use elementary concepts as foundations to build complex ideas. In addition, the instructor shows activities which will involve learners that will portray an achievement of goals in education. Develop; this is where activities that need to be implemented are identified and developed for effective leaning. Materials that should be used in the design are collected and brought together. The instructor, at this level makes sure that the models for the design are available to enhance the achievement of the goals. Implement; content is the subject matter that the instructor intends to pass to the learners. This suggests that content is a significant factor to be considered, when designing teaching approaches. Therefore, it is at this stage that the content is build up together with the tools and materials of learning that are needed to facilitate the transition of knowledge and skills (Morrison et al 2010). Evaluate; as mentioned above, goals indicate the route map, and the foundation of effective learning. They guide the instructors on how to deliver their content to the learners. Therefore, assessment of these goals is necessary to test the achievement of the learning process. According to Morrison et al (2010), content should be in agreement with the goals

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Features of an Effective Total Rewards Program Essay

Features of an Effective Total Rewards Program - Essay Example Total rewards program, that is explained in this essay ensures that employees get paid according to their performance. Also, fair payment means that employees get the best value for the work that they do. Equitable payment relates to the ranks of the employees and so it should match their interests according to the organization structure. This essay is focused on a total rewards plan creation. Benefits that employees get should be competitive and should meet their personal needs. Author states that this can be achieved by offering economically feasible benefit plans that meet their needs at personal level. Rewarding also should be done in a fair way. Efforts made by employees to attain a certain goal should be recognized, this can be done by having a rewarding and recognition system that satisfies the employees. Also, the expectations of employees to grow and succeed should be met by the highly managed plan and high-qualified managment. Equity and fairness in payments for both genders, that are defined in this essay can be determined by communication between employers and the employees. In general, equitable pay leads to motivation and increased performance. Also, the plan, created by the magament should be positive. The employee compensation plan should be positive in the sense that both the employees and the employe r are comfortable with the system or program. In conclusion, author states that if payments are competitive for employees, they will do their work with a lot of motivation.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business Ethics is Not an Option Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethics is Not an Option - Essay Example Analysis leads to the conclusion that observance of business ethics is not optional. Every business venture aims at flourishing in the modern marketplace. There are several methods of achieving including the application of marketing strategies for sales increase, manufacturing and production concepts for cost-effectiveness and organizational management for over-all company harmony. However, the concept of an ethically-run business as necessary for the company to succeed is becoming more and more recognized. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a by word for many business professionals. Although it is generally observing ethics and morals in business dealings, CSR is thought to comprise of activities such as supporting charities is CSR, funding anti-crime and poverty programs, exceeding legal or regulatory obligations in areas of business operation such as health and safety and consumer rights, managing the supply chain to ensure that suppliers respect human rights is CSR and taking measures to ensure that products do not harm the environment. (Kotler and Nancy 2004, p. 3) Our concern is not so much in defining CSR but in determining whether the observance of business ethics is optional or not. This paper will argue that business ethics is necessary and beneficial for the business firm. ... Increased Job Performance Quality The reason why a field in business called Human Resources Management (HRM) exists is that it was long recognized that there is a need to ensure that employee issues are properly addressed. One of the secrets of successful business companies is that they were able to derive extra commitment from all employees resulting to unprecedented quality and responsiveness in products and services along with heroic frugality, incredible levels of integration and collaboration within and without the organizations, and especially to pull off continuous, brilliant, and cheap innovation. According to the only way one can "manage" high level human output is to set the conditions for everyone doing their best: including support of the core competencies of people, their ability to self-organize, their ability to change and grow. A company can achieve this if it fosters trust and build organizational cultures in which freedom and personal initiative can cohabit with cooperation, caring and a highly integrated harmony. Only thru a sincere observance of business ethics can the company assure that its employees do not stage rallies, release negative public statements regarding the company, resign and reveal company trade secrets. Being ethical also helps in attracting excellent and skilled professionals to work for the company. The Industrial Society for the UK (in Price 2002) reports that "82% of UK professionals claimed that they would not work for an organisation whose values they did not believe in" and that "among smaller businesses, the survey showed that 62% of owner managers were influenced by their employees to be more socially active." Consumer Preference Observing moral and ethical values in the conduct of business does not

Determining HRIS Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Determining HRIS Needs - Essay Example Human resource information systems are aimed at enhancing efficient use of information to ensure informed decision-making process. When plans for updating the human resource information are being made, it is prudent to assess a number of parameters that influences the system and its operations in an organization (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2009). Thus, to begin with organizations should the management practices in the organization and the current technology that is implemented in relation to the changes in the business environment. In this regard, the organization should acquire knowledge of new technology that they seek to replace the current one and analyse both its advantages and drawbacks, and them assess its suitability in the organization. The government regulation concerning deployment of new technology as far as human resource information system is concerned should be analysed so as to ensure the new technology or improvements, that are to be rolled out, are in accordance with the law and they meet the minimum requirements as stipulated. The needs of the organization should also be taken into consideration since the new technology or improvements that are to be done are for the sole purpose of ensuring the objectives of the organization are achieved with ease (Torres-Coronas and Arias-Oliva, 2009). That notwithstanding, before rolling out the changes the human resource department should assess their long-term plans incline them with market dynamism and thus ensure viable long term strategy. Also information from market leaders that have successfully implemented the changes or new technology concerning the human resource information system together with records from government agencies should be analysed and aid in making informed decisions as far as the upgrade is concerned. Focus groups are prone to bias since the groups tend to be dominated by few individuals whose ideas will override the general opinion of others thus make the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Risk and Threats of Cloud Computing Services Research Paper

Risk and Threats of Cloud Computing Services - Research Paper Example In spite  of the varied horizon  being  offered by the cloud computing services, most of the enterprises are skeptical about the safety of the cloud environment and are less willing to take the risks.  Ã‚  In order to maintain the  clientage  and market competitiveness, cloud service providers must learn from the managed service provider (MSP) model to  guarantee  secure services to their clients along with increasing  virtualization  service  efficiencies, (Foster, 1998). Further, the  companies  that are opting for cloud services are unaware of the unidentified risks existing  within  the cloud environment. The ability of the cloud computing model to offer its clients/users to utilize the service provider’s applications which run on a cloud model infrastructure and these applications can be accessed by a number of clients through a system interface, for example, a Web browser, web-based email system. The user is free of responsibilities such as to manage the infrastructure, web servers, operation management and applications, data storage server maintenance, and network application tasks. b.  Platform as a Service (PaaS):  The cloud computing  PaaS  model offers the user the facility to deploy itself on the computing infrastructure which is built according to the user related applications with the help of programming languages like Java, Net, etc.). As already stated before, the user does not have to manage the infrastructure of the cloud computing service, but the user has full

Monday, September 9, 2019

Create easy story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Create easy story - Essay Example President Bush quoted President Dwight Eisenhower who said that Thanksgiving is a time when Americans should celebrate ‘the plentiful yield of our soil †¦ the beauty of our land †¦ the preservation of those ideals of liberty and justice that form the basis of our national life†. (Bush, 2001) Thanksgiving is a time when many American families gather together to celebrate. In cities like New York, millions celebrate even in the streets, the harbor is full of ships also joining the celebration, and everyone is as happy like they are celebrating a joyous Christmas Day. Tourists and migrants who have co-celebrated with the Americans need not wonder what’s so special about Thanksgiving. Young Americans today just alter tradition a bit and go for modernity. (Three children are playing in front of an oak barrel; the mother, in traditional American dress, is beside them, also joyfully watching; there are sacks of wheat, and in the background is a farm; the father hoisting a sack of wheat on back of a horse.) Americans celebrate film day to watch Hollywood movies and their favourite stars. Most of the young are star struck; they watch movies to see their stars. Traditionally, Americans watch films with celebrations of food and cowboy films of old, the likes of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, or the â€Å"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly† of yesteryears. Nowadays, there are varieties of adventure, sci-fi, or maybe high-tech movies such as The Star Wars, or The Transformer, and many entertaining ones which are applied with powerful special effects. Like many families around the world, Americans celebrate Christmas with gift-giving and parties. The United States is predominantly Christian; Americans worship Jesus Christ and celebrate his birth. Christmas is one of the joyous days of American holiday celebration. Everyone, young and old, celebrate it with gift-giving, while many go to places for relaxation or reuniting with old family ties.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Corporate Governance Practices in Qatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Corporate Governance Practices in Qatar - Essay Example Governments are creating new regulatory frameworks to improve corporate governance of companies (Adamson, 22- 03-2011). Multinational companies are evolving and changing corporate governance to meet benchmarks and the basic requirements required by investors in making investment decisions. Companies are focusing on best practices such as risk management in order to have good corporate governance. Companies are emphasizing the management of their reputations to improve the perception of local and global community about their images. The drive to implement good corporate governance and the financial crisis in Qatar have led directors and officers of multinational companies to increase the awareness of their responsibilities. The executives are taking companies’ failure as personal liability. In Qatar, Investors are holding executives and boards responsible for unsatisfactory performance. Companies are under thorough scrutiny especially on managerial actions. Executives are aware of risks facing them. Therefore, they act to limit personal liability. The Arabic companies are embracing a more pragmatic and less litigious approach in their corporate governance to serve the international community. The Qatar government is creating new frameworks for practices and regulations that favour multinational companies. The aim of the government of Qatar to provide real business environments to attract both foreign and local investors. The greater accountability for boards and executives actions has made companies prio ritize shareholders’ interests. It is because shareholders and financial regulators put a scrutiny on issues of corporate governance. Multinational companies are now taking a proactive approach in risk management to protect executives and boards’ members. These companies are improving the standards of corporate governance to march the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Research skills 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research skills 2 - Essay Example This research aims at interpretation rather than verification of the theories. This paradigm is mostly popular in social sciences research and is the favorite method of anthropologists. Qualitative researchers typically rely on the following methods for gathering information: Participant Observation, Non-participant Observation, Field Notes, Reflexive Journals, Structured Interview, Unstructured Interview, Analysis of documents and materials.( Marshall& Rossman ,1998, page no not known). ‘Qualitative research’ is a broad term encompassing a number of approaches, paradigms and schools. Among these different approaches and traditions of qualitative research, ‘there are widespread concerns for quality.’; ‘the need for principles of practice to be made manifest’ (Spencer et al (2003. p 4) .To assess the quality in qualitative research, a framework has been designed by Spencer et al (2003). This framework consists of four guiding principles which branch out into appraisal questions’ and ‘quality indicators’. Let us try to assess the quality of a qualitative work on the basis of this framework. Credible/clear discussion of how findings have contributed to knowledge and understanding (e.g. of the policy, programme or theory being reviewed); might be applied to new policy developments, practice or theory Through the literature review the study claims to be unique in the sense that previous studies focused on identification of stressors while this study undertakes comparison of the identified stressors. Since, no study undertook such comparison, it investigates a new aspect of previously identified area. At the same time, it identifies a new area for investigation-- ‘‘safety’’, the demands associated with terrorist threats. It does give a detailed description of the contexts of study elite UK athletes from a wide range of sports but no mention of generalization to other settings. However, it

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Right Passenger Essay Example for Free

The Right Passenger Essay The taxi driver Nadeem Riaz, is driving through Manhattan looking for new passengers. Then on a corner he picks up a couple, Riaz thinks that the boy could be from South Asia because of his brown skin. The girl I Caucasian. Riaz thinks that the couple may have had too much to drink, and that is the reason for the boy to be showing token respect for Riaz. Then Riaz starts hearing lips smacking and the uncomfortable sound of cloth squirming, and because of that he decides to lengthen the trip. Riaz asks the boy if he is married, but the boy just waves him off, which makes Riaz want to kick them out of the taxi. The girl gets of first, so it is just the boy and Riaz left in the taxi. They start talking about how they both use the country, and the boy says that even if he trifles with this one girl, Riaz is messing with the whole country. When they arrive to the boy’s street he is sleeping, and when he gets out of the car he do not pay Riaz the $42. 80 he owe for the ride. Nadeem Riaz is a taxi driver who has been driving taxi in eight years, he is an immigrant in America and has a green card so he can work. Riaz seems to be a nice man, who believes in tradition and that the boy he is driving should be in a marriage, set up by his parents. Riaz believes in God, and listens to the Holy Quran so he is Muslim. He begins making assumptions about the boy; he should be married, he is probably from a rich family and his parents are probably fat and sated. But he admits to himself that he does not really know and he cannot be sure. By admitting that he does not know anything about the boy and his family shows that he is not a man with prejudices. One of the times when the boy talks to Riaz with a brash tone, Riaz is thinking that if he were a better man, he would kick them out of his taxi. But he decides to finish his job. This shows that he is a man who takes his job serious. When Riaz and the boy are having a discussion about living in USA, the boy says that Riaz is using the country, which makes Riaz defending why he is doing what he do to provide for his family. This shows that Riaz is proud to be able to provide for his family, being a taxi driver may not be his dream job, but he gets by. In the end where he let the boy go without paying Riaz shows that he is good of heart. The discussion Riaz and the boy have, makes Riaz think about some things he usually does not think about. This young boy comes in with his big mouth and modern opinions and tells Riaz that â€Å"even if I’m trifling with her, she’s only one American – you’re messing with the whole country! † To make an accusation like that is unrespect full. He comes in, say a bunch of stuff about a man he does not know, and thinks he can say these things without any consequences for the poor man who dreamed about this beautiful country and believed that he could make a new start. I do not think it was Riaz’s intention to be a taxi driver when he first came to America, but that is the way it turned out. And then this boy comes in and tells him he is messing with the whole country, and when the boy said what he wanted he tells Riaz not to think too hard about what he said. But even after saying these things to Riaz he just gets out of the taxi without paying what he owe. To come from an eastern land, would be the same as coming from the poles to the tropics. The culture is very different from one another, if you take Nadeem Riaz as an example you can see that he believes in arranged marriages, and respect for the elders. Back in his own country he was a respected man who owned a spare- part shop, and now he is a simple â€Å"cabby†, one of thousands of taxi drivers. Nadeem Riaz comes from the land Pakistan where 97% of the population are Muslims, that is a lot of people sharing the same belief and have the same values. For those people to come to a land where 11% does not have a religion, and the ones that believe in god are a mix of protestants, Jews, catholic and so on, it must be very confusing. Also the laws in America are very different from the laws in Pakistan. So for example coming from an eastern land to America can be a huge challenge, like it would be a huge challenge for Americans to live in Pakistan.